Does Your Site’s IP Address Affect SEO And Google Rankings?

Can something as trivial as a short numeric code affect organic searches ( SEO)? Experts clearly agree that no. But it’s a little more complicated, so let’s talk more about it.
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Secret IP address deciphered
Before we start to determine the extent to which an IP address affects SEO, let’s answer a simpler question. What exactly is an IP address?
An IP address is a unique address of your machine with information about your network connection. It is assigned by the protocol. In addition to your computer, laptop, and smartphone, it also has a printer, speaker, or washing machine. Surprise?
Not to mention the TV and wireless headphones. Virtually every object in your home that communicates with other electronic devices has its own IP address. If you use a VPN then your Ip address is hidden.
We can imagine the role of an IP address is a simple example: Imagine that an IP address is your house number and a network is a street name. In order for devices (in our example, houses) to communicate effectively with each other, they need unique addresses. This is the only way they can transfer information from one device to another. By network communication (between streets and houses) we mean sending e-mails, sharing documents, streaming live videos, and many other options. Without an IP address, none of this would be possible.
IP address versions
In the older version of IPv4, the address consisted only of numbers. There are currently about 4 billion combinations. As you may have guessed, this is far from enough. Today, IPv4 addresses are almost unavailable.
As IPv4 addresses passed quickly, a new, far larger version was created in 2008. It is called IPv6 and creates approximately 340 sextillion IP addresses from numbers and characters on 32 entries (a sextillion is a number followed by an unimaginable 38 zeros). For now, it doesn’t seem like another version will be needed.
However, IPv6 deployment is slow. Most large operators are ready to move to IPv6, but they still need all IPv4 devices. If you want to try a new version of IP addresses, you can choose the so-called dual-stack. This means that you will have both protocols at the same time. It is estimated that with the transition to IPv6, robotic vacuum cleaners and smart home appliances will also gain their IP address.
Dynamic and static IP address
Your ISP has a choice. It will either offer you a paid static IP address or give you a dynamic IP address that is free but has one small problem.
Your ISP does not guarantee that your device will always have the same IP address. With every connection to the Internet, there is a risk that it will change. Nevertheless, today the vast majority of networks operate on the basis of dynamic IP addresses.
Local and public IP address
The local IP address has an onion structure. It consists of several layers of security that protect you from hackers attacks. So it may seem that talking about a public IP address is completely unnecessary. What if the local IP address is more secure.
But the thing is a little more complicated. Since you run an online business (and want to make money there), chances are you need people to visit your website. It is at this point that the scythe falls on a rock. The public IP address wins over the local one.
The basis is a quality hosting
Even a public IP address can be used securely as long as it runs on reliable hosting. The cause for concern arises when you imagine that multiple websites share a single IP address with you. It is not your responsibility to ensure that none of these sites send spam.
Fortunately, Google is not naive or stupid. He is well aware that one IP address can be used by several websites at the same time. Therefore, those who act against the rules are penalized not on the basis of the IP address, but on the basis of the domain.
IP address change
In order to influence SEO, it is sometimes enough to change the hosting or implement protection software into your website. In this case, Google will see the new IP address next to your domain name. How does this affect SEO?
There seems to be none. At least that’s what John Mueller and Matt Cutts, Google employees say. They claim that Google evaluates all types of IP addresses with the same meter. Even changing the hosting or adding security software does not change anything.
According to experts and Google staff, it looks like it doesn’t matter if you have a local or public IP address. Google understands that public IP addresses are simply the way the Internet works. Therefore, focus your attention on choosing a good domain, hosting, and publishing valuable content, rather than on an IP address.
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