Cloud Computing Technologies: What Is It, Pros And Cons

Cloud Computing Technologies: What Is It, Pros And Cons

Although the phrase “cloud technology” may sound unfamiliar, in fact, this system is firmly entrenched in modern times. Any file uploaded and saved on the Internet is actually on the use of the “cloud service”. The user can upload files to the cloud so as not to store them on the computer. Of course, like any other technology, cloud computing has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros – Cloud Computing

The ability not to occupy memory on the computer

Local disks have their own size limits, so sooner or later it becomes impossible to store files on them. Do not forget that the computer has a lot of system software and programs necessary for work. What to do with movies, music, videos, photos that you don’t want to delete without leaving a trace? The answer is simple – upload to the cloud, where they will remain and will not interfere with anyone.

Accessibility from any device

Modern devices – phones, tablets, laptops – often have the same operating system. This allows applications to run synchronously with the same set of data. As a result, there is no need to endlessly connect wires and transfer data from one device to another.

Possibility of common use

Cloud services make it easier to work together on different projects. One user can upload a document to the cloud and share it with others – as a result, several people can edit and modify the file at the same time. This saves time.

Possibility of placing large files

Let’s say you have a large video file (for example, a movie) that you want to send to your friends. What to do? Burn it to disk and then give it to each one in turn? A very long time. Burn multiple discs? Not bad. Or you can just upload it to the cloud and send the link to everyone who needs it. Saves time, effort, and blanks.


The early adopters of cloud computing technologies are now making big bucks from them. Therefore, developments related to clouds never stop – in fact, they work on the most modern and technologically advanced engine of all that there is in the world. This means that the download speed increases, calculations are performed several times faster and, in general, everything works much better than on any computer. If, of course, the Internet connection allows.

Limited functionality

When it comes to solving certain problems, the user is perfectly aware of what is needed for this – and, as a rule, the answer to this question differs from that offered by computer manufacturers. Let’s say the user only needs a document editor, but he, for an increased cost, is offered to purchase a spreadsheet editor and a presentation editor.

Cloud technologies eliminate this misunderstanding by offering exactly what the user needs, without forcing him to spend money and RAM on what he does not need.

Minuses – Cloud Computing

Economically unprofitable

Large software corporations always offer users a complete software package, and this becomes a major source of profit. In the case of cloud technologies, most of which are offered for free, this portion of the revenue disappears. It would seem that this is true for ordinary users, but if you look at this problem on a larger scale, it turns out that the lack of constant income can hit a company’s budget hard and force it to curtail larger developments. This means that in the future, cloud technologies can be abandoned precisely because of their disadvantages.


Unfortunately, clouds, like any storage, are susceptible to hacking. Of course, programmers always keep security at a level, and, nevertheless, no one is protected from unforeseen circumstances, or rather, hackers. It would seem who might need the same music files or home videos, but for many, this is considered a violation of personal space. In addition, it is for this reason that document data cannot be stored in the clouds.

Lack of complete control

In addition to hackers, there are also those who monitor the cloud computing system – in fact, the ones who store your data. It’s good when you know what kind of people they are (for example, if the cloud is local and created by the president of the company), but what if it’s a large corporation that can use this data to harm you? This is especially true, of course, of documents and files that may cause legal proceedings. And, unfortunately, this always leaves room for forgery.

Loss of Internet access

Although the Internet was created by man, like any technical means, it is not protected from breakdowns. The Internet does not disappear every day, the more dangerous is its sudden disappearance – especially if you need urgent access to files uploaded to the cloud. The only way to prepare for this is by making regular backups, but few can boast of such foresight.

Lack of clear legislation

The ability of special services to view data stored on cloud servers is not regulated by anything in Russia, which raises several potential problems at once. The first problem is the possession of prohibited materials, such as child pornography. The second problem is the storage of materials that can compromise the user.

legal proceedings

In the first case, the need for special services to intervene seems obvious, while in the second it still remains controversial. The fine line between these situations has not yet been drawn, leaving room for free interpretations.

Output – Cloud Computing

Thus, cloud computing is a really interesting and useful innovation. Nevertheless, when using it, you must be careful so that the stored data does not harm, in the first place, the user himself.

Also Read : A Definitive Guide To Cloud Computing Learning Paths


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