Programming Languages for Web Apps: Which Ones To Use?

Many programming languages continue to emerge that facilitate software development, such as those focused on the development of Web Apps. It is essential to choose the language correctly to provide better interaction and user browsing experience in this context. So, which languages are the most used? And what does it depend on?
This post will talk about what programming languages are used to create Web Apps. But first, let’s define what a Web App is since it is often confused with other terms such as website or web page.
What is a Web App
First of all, it is essential to know what a Web App ? ans: Web Application—. It is a program or system that runs in the browser and has interactive content and functionalities such as authentication, filling out forms, etc. Companies widely use these types of plans as a channel to offer their services. Some examples can be Spotify, Netflix, Facebook or Gmail.
Unlike a website, Web Apps focus more on the performance of a task by the user, which makes them more complex. For this reason, companies usually offer their services using a Web App. At the same time, a website is more informative. When you enter a website, you can navigate to the different pages that make it up.
Most used languages
Now that we have the definition of Web App clear and before seeing which are the most used programming languages, let’s also define the latter. The programming language is the set of symbols and codes that guide the programming of structures in software development. It is a communication system between the programmer and the machine. Let’s see some of the most used for the creation of a Web App:
JavaScript: A programming language that is no longer only used on the client-side but also on the server-side. This is thanks to the NodeJS execution environment. There are also frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, and Svelte used on the client side, while Next.js or Express on the server side.
TypeScript: Programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript whose main feature is its static typing and adopts the ” Object-Oriented Programming ” paradigm. It is used both on the server and client-side.
PHP: Programming language interpreted and used purely on the server-side. The PHP scripts process any request that the user makes, such as a form fill. Although many think that PHP is dead, PHP is present in 78.9% of current websites, according to W3Techs. Among the most used PHP frameworks, we have Laravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter.
Python: Programming language interpreted and created by Guido Van Rossum. Among its main features is that Python is multi-paradigm, and its typing is dynamic. It also adopts the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. Among the most used frameworks for web development, we have Django and Flask.
Go: Compiled open source programming language developed by Google. This programming language stands out among the others for its simplicity and excellent performance. Initially, it was used for networking and infrastructure, but now it is used in various fields such as DevOps, Artificial Intelligence, microcontroller programming, and server-side web development. Unlike other languages, it is not necessary to use a framework for web development since Go has a fairly extensive library. However, we can find frameworks such as Gin, Iris and Fiber.
Java: First released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Its paradigm is “Object-Oriented Programming”, and one of its main characteristics is that it can be executed on any platform thanks to its JVM virtual machine. In web development, we can use it on the server-side. Spring and Hibernate are some of its best-known frameworks.
What language should I use?
We can see an immense variety of programming languages to create a Web App. The big question then would be, which one should I use or which suits me best? For this, it is essential to be clear about the project’s requirements that we will carry out and see which programming languages and frameworks are best suited to them.
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